Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Artist With a Stiff Face and Leather Clothes

Kate Beckinsale – Underworld & Van Helsing
As both vampire and vampire hunter, Kate Beckinsale rules. She has a kickass athletic body and the face of an angel – the perfect woman.
Below are girls leather-clad with weapons in their hands and faces stiff looked ready to kill all the enemies.
Halle Berry – Catwoman & X-men
Do you see what Halle Berry looks like in a leather cat outfit?
Angelina Jolie – Wanted, Tomb Raider, & Mr. And Mrs. Smith
All of her action roles are completely amazing – most notably the Tomb Raider movies.

Summer Glau – Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
Among others, that this is the most rigid I really did not smile during the movie

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