Monday, July 12, 2010

Hip hop is fine art with Fahamu Pecou

Fahamu Pecou artist born in Brooklyn and based Atalanta
"I thought it was a brilliant phenomenon that someone could be a star just because a poster said so. Prior to the marketing campaign, I had never heard of 50 Cent nor, I dare say, had most other people in the world. Regardless, when his album dropped, everyone’s ear was tuned in... In like spirit and concept, I began a poster and sticker campaign that read “FAHAMU PECOU IS THE SHIT” in big bold letters with a graphic illustration of me in my hardest hip-hop pose. The idea seemed to work... Soon I began receiving requests for posters, stickers and shirts from New York to Chicago to LA. Friends of mine who wore the shirt would often regale me with their tales of trying to explain to strangers why Fahamu Pecou was the Shit and how he got to be so."

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